Here are important requirements to follow when providing the text, photos
and graphics for the Web site.
Paper Format
- Indicate District Name and Phone Number on each graphic
- Images are not exceed 8.5 inches by 14 inches
- Do not staple through or hand write on images
- The following inputs are acceptable:
- Photographs that are clear, bright and well-taken.
- Original business cards or letterhead.
- Original Brochures.
- Reproduced (faxed/copied) graphics
- Ad pulled from the yellow pages
- Flyers
- Hand drawn art
Electronic Format
- Clearly name each graphic file.
- Indicate District Name and Phone Number on disk label.
- Mac or PC formats acceptable.
- Zip disk or 3.5 inch diskette acceptable.
- Graphics (Save as JPG, PCT, GIF) 72 DPI or higher.
Abusenet Provided Graphics
A brief description of the image you would like (E.I. sunset) is all
we need.