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< < Medical References > >

The following articles are ones that we have noted in the literature. The list is certainly not inclusive, but contains references which may be helpful to you now or in the future. We will be adding to it approximately every three months.


  • Christian CW, Lavelle J, Bell LM, Preschoolers and syphilis, Pediatrics, (1999 Jan) v103, n1 pE4
  • Chu JA, Frey LM, Ganzel BL, Matthews JA, Memories of childhood abuse: dissociation amnesia, and corroboration, Am J Psychiatry, (1999 May) v156 n5 p749-55
  • Feiring C, Taska L, Lewis M, Child Abuse Neglect, Age and gender differences in children’s and adolescents’ adaptation to sexual abuse, (1999 Feb) v23 n2 p115-28
  • Hetherton J, The idealization of women: its role in the minimization of child sexual abuse by females, Child Abuse Neglect; (1999 Feb) v23 n2 p161-74
  • Johnson CF, Child abuse as a stressor of pediatricians, Pediatric Emergency Care, (1999 Apr) v15 n2 p84-9
  • Khrane B, Scheinberger Olwig R, Weizenhofer E, Kolpin S, Childhood sexual abuse and revictimization in adolescence, Child Abuse Neglect; (1999 Apr) v23 n4 p323-94
  • Morey SS, AAP Updates Its Guidelines for Evaluation of Sexual Abuse, American Family Physician, (1999 Apr) v58 n7 p2014, 2017
  • Palusci VJ, Cox E O, Cyrus T A, Heartwell S W, Vandervort F E, Pott E S, Medical assessment and legal outcome in child sexual abuse, Arch Pediatr Adolesc Med, (1999Apr) v153n4 p388-92
  • Paradise JE, Winter M R, Finkel MA, Berenson AB, Beiser, AS, Influence of the history on physicians’ interpretation of girls’ genital findings, Pediatrics; (1999 May) v103, n5 Pt 1 l p980-6
  • Powell JJ, Wojnarowska F, Lichen sclerosis, Lancet; (1999 May 22) v353 n9166 p1777-83
  • Roosa MW, Reinholtz, C, Angelini, P J, The relation of child sexual abuse and depression in young women: comparisons across four ethnic groups, J of Abnormal Child Psychology; (1999 Feb) v27 n1 p65-76
  • Wyatt GE, Loeb TE, Solis B, Carmona JV, The prevalence and circumstances of child sexual abuse changes across a decade, Child Abuse Neglect, (1999 Jan) v23 n1 p45-60
  • Weed, Victor W, Forensic DNA Tests, Clinics in Laboratory Medicine, Volume 16, No. 1, March 1996


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